On this page you will have the chance to get to know us a little better through interviews done online or on TV as well as the testimonies of those who have lived some travel experiences with us around the world.
But let's start immediately with the video of our "propitiatory travel ballet" commented even by the legendary "Jovanotti" ...
... of course it's just the first episode!
Second star on the right and then straight until morning ...
Peter Pan
Interview at "Alle falde del kilimangiaro"
Interview “Alle Falde del Kilimangiaro” with the beautiful Camila Raznovich, broadcast on Rai 3.
Interview at "Il Mondo Insieme"
Interview with "Il Mondo Insieme" with the wonderful Licia Colò, broadcast on TV 2000.
Is it possible to fall in love in Africa and no longer stop, even with a child in tow? Yes you can!
Interview by oman observer weekend
Interview appeared in the online and paper edition of the Oman Daily Observer entitled "Two gypsy souls" in theObserver Weekend.
The Oman Daily Observer is an English-language national newspaper of the Sultanate of Oman.
We had the honor of being interviewed by a senior journalist Liju Cherian and we talked a little bit about the experience of traveling in the land of Sultan Qaboos beyond our adventures around the world! (interview only in English)
Online reportage of our last trip to Mozambique with children by Chapka Assicurazioni.
Chapka Assurances has been an insurance broker specializing in travel insurance since 2002. Backed by a consolidated experience over time, they continually create insurance solutions to meet the needs of tourism professionals and individuals.
Online interview "The favorites of Mark Brawler" by Every Country in the world.
Every Country in the world is a portal that focuses on the travel stories of the greatest travelers, telling, through a series of interviews, their adventures around the world, many curious anecdotes, tips and advice.
Founded by Henrik Jeppesen, a nice Danish boy who managed to set foot in all the nations of the world before the age of 28! (interview in English only)
Interview from revista latitud
Online interview "Nomad family" by Revista Latitud.
Revista Latitud is an Argentine portal that deals with travel in all its facets, from food and wine tours to travel by any means of transport, also telling many interesting stories of travelers from all over the world. (interview in Spanish only)
Interview by Italian backpacker
Online interview "Traveling with your children brings great lessons to both" of Italian Backpaker.
Antonio Di Guida is a great traveler, writer and photographer. Author of three very interesting travel books (one on Africa, one on Australia and one on Iran); at the age of 22 he left his comfort zone to launch into the life he always wanted, that of the nomad around the world. (interview only in Italian)
Interview by fotografia moderna
Intervista on line “Mark & Stefy. Fotografi e Turisti per caso” di Fotorafia Moderna.
Fotografia Moderna was born to give a new face to the internet photo community. In this interview we talk about travel, of course, but also about how to marry the passion for photography in travels to backpacking adventure. (interview only in Italian)
Intervista da Viaggi & Vacanze
Online interview “Born2travel. In 2: the Backpacker and the artist cook "by Viaggi & Vacanze.
Travel & Holidays is an initiative that aims to offer advice and suggestions to travel enthusiasts. In this interview we talk about backpacking trips and the passion for cooking, amplified even more when we come into contact with "culinary" realities so far from us. (interview only in Italian)
Intervista da Rolling Pandas
Intervista on line “Una coppia appassionata di viaggi: ora una famiglia” di Rolling Pandas.
Rolling Pandas cerca di trovare la soluzione di viaggio perfetta per ogni viaggiatore, in modo semplice e a portata di click. (intervista solo in italiano)
Interview from Hostels Club
"Honeymoon in hostel" online interview by Hostelsclub.
HostelsClub.com is a young and dynamic portal that allows thousands of travelers to book all over the world in an easy, fast and safe way. (interview only in Italian)
Interview by Best Air Matress Guide
Online interview “Meet Mark & Stefy. Born2travel ”by Best Air Matress Guide. James Menta is one of the leading camping experts and, in this interview, we talk about our travel equipment, especially the one we use for more spartan adventures in tents. (interview only in English)
"Man discovers in the world only what he already has within himself, but he needs the world to discover what he has inside him."
Hugo Von Hofmannsthal
Stay tuned
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