We are Mark and Stefy, two romantic backpackers, lovers of life, adventurous journeys and eager to explore this little world of ours even more!
Needless to say, we are neither a travel agency nor a tour operator, we do not sell travel packages or anything else, this site, non-profit, was born only from a great passion for travel and the desire to share travel stories with other enthusiasts like us.
Life is a journey and those who travel live twice.
Omar Khayyam
Mark does not drink coffee, does not like alcohol and neither smokes but loves gummy candies, pizza, homemade ice cream, coca-zero, buffalo mozzarella, lemons, fried noodles and 7-Eleven
Stefy loves desserts, sfogliatelle in the first place, collecting rubbers, buying yellow daisies, putting spices in her glass jars and smelling them from time to time and discovering new recipes
Traveling has helped me grow and understand more than just myself, even about the world around me. "Only those who are travelers can understand what it means to plan a trip, close the door behind them, leave and, as soon as they return, already think about the next destination ..."
Traveling has given me the most beautiful and intense emotions: it is difficult to describe what it is like to be alone in boundless landscapes without horizon, under immense fiery or starry skies that you seem to be able to touch with a finger, to listen to the most beautiful symphonies that nature can give ... long sunsets, hugs, looks, the smiles of the many people I met along my journey, who often, with small gestures, transmitted to me the greatest lessons of life ... and then landscapes, deserts, seas, glaciers, peoples and distant cultures ... only by traveling does one fill the baggage of one's life, a bag never full ...
Obviously the journey intended as contact with the people and immersion in what is the local reality, to understand and assimilate and understand that our society still has much to learn ... A minimum of itinerary, a good map and guide is enough, the essential for the trip, the photographic equipment, a little courage, a spirit of adaptation and adventure and a great desire to dream ... only this is needed! And traveling like this, apart from the flights, becomes not as onerous as one might think, or rather ...
I love photography.
I find it wonderful to capture images, which are life situations, faces, landscapes that are able to convey emotions to those who look at them.
Traveling I came to the conclusion that it is not places or means, landscapes or monuments, people or cultures that determine the uniqueness of the journey, but only our spirit of travelers or, as I often say, of "gypsies of the world".
No matter how, whether on foot or by bicycle, by motorbike or by car, by plane or by ship, you set off on a journey: you will discover the wonders of the world and learn more about yourself!
My advice is: "travel!" Also with the mind and the imagination but "travel", and sometimes, when it will be possible with the backpack (in my case it is never enough ...)! The important thing is not to stop ...
I'm Stefy.
I love painting and learning techniques from different countries, and especially with regards to the kitchen, in fact, I take care of the section of this site entitled: "the recipes of Ste“.
I love traveling since I was born thanks to a family that I love
has transmitted this passion.
For years I explored Europe with my brothers on a camper van
(means that I absolutely recommend).
My real passion is Africa. I fell ill with the "mal d''Africa" after having volunteered at a school in Kenya, since then, whenever I can I return. I feel at home in Africa, when my eyes see the red earth and the immense blue sky above my head.
We love to bring back all the ups and downs and adventures in our inseparable "travel diaries". Our stories have no other claim than to be the faithful testimony of impressions gathered in worlds other than ours. They tell us what we have seen and experienced around the world, nothing more.
Where could I meet Mark if not on a trip to South Africa?
And since that September 2010 we have become inseparable ... in life and in the world ...
My dream is to open a hostel in some magical place on earth.
Since there is Nora in my life I love being a mother 360 ° and with her jumping into puddles, preparing picnics, taking her to every corner of the world to introduce her to this planet of ours, rich in marvelous diversity.
I love life and I am immensely grateful.
And then in 2016 the sweet Nora came to make our life even more beautiful!
Who said that you no longer travel with a child? We didn't stop at all ... on the contrary ... we experienced every little new goal as a real achievement because now we were not just two but three of us enjoying it! And so in a few months the first intercontinental flight, the first flight? Guadeloupe (12 hours by plane).
Many new little experiences around the world, with mum and dad, across 4 continents, up to the age of three (in Bukhara, Uzbekistan), also celebrating its first 40 countries visited ... the first of a long series my love !
Here she is playing with children from all over the world, without prejudice, without too many thoughts but with the mental freedom that only a child can have. Here she is drawing the tika on the forehead of a friend, asking for a bowl of porridge or noodles for breakfast like in Bangkok, drawing Ganesh or remembering the children she played with in Madagascar or Indonesia or Tajikistan as if it were the most natural thing. of the world!
In full pandemic, in 2020, our little prince arrives: Iago!
The team is now complete! We are ready to continue our life! Follow us!
"Walk with caution in this fragile world."
Sign in Jomoson in Mustang - Nepal
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Bangladesh Capital: Dhaka Currency: Taka Best time: Winter (November to February)
16 Responses
Buongiorno Stefy e Mark…foto di viaggi stupende, fantastiche, meravigliose…mi fate sognare..
Sono una signora di 65 anni Ke non ha praticamente viaggiato…ma kissà Ke prossimamente in uno dei Vs non possa partecipare.
Saluti e bacioni
Ciao Mirna, che bel messaggio!Grazie di cuore… Condividere questa immensa passione con gente malata della stessa sindorme di wanderlust è cio’ che ci fa piu’ sentire vivi in questo momento!
Grazie di cuore… Sei sempre benvenuta con noi in giro per il mondo!
Ciao Mark…spero proprio di poter fare un “viaggetto” con voi..prima o poi…
Adesso…credo sia meglio restare in Italia x questo 2020, poi si vedrà.
..e poi deve nascere…il fratellino di Nora..vero??
Vi seguo nei social..sia Instagram Ke Facebook .
Vi lascio la mia email…x qlsiasi info Ke vorrete scrivermi.
Grazie in anticipo
Mirna Loy da Forlì ( Emilia Romagna)
Ciao Mirna, grazie di cuore! Noi stiamo a Cesena!
Grazie per il tuo supporto!
siete uno spettacolo. ❤
Grazie di cuore>!!!!
Grazie mille per tutti
Thanks dear… See you in Morocco soon
Hola Stefy estoy encantada con tus viajes alrededor del mundo, me he maravillado con tus fotos. Deseo tengas un hermoso Parto y que tengas mucha salud . un abrazo desde Bogotá Colombia..
Muchissima gracias querida Tania, she has delivered on saturday our newborn Jago… Thanks God everything has been amazing… we are just pretty tired but we’ll recover soon. Hugs and we cant wait to come back to the amazing Colombia!
Vi ho appena conosciuti su questo vostro sito. Anch’io, insieme con mia moglie siamo dei viaggiatori, io lo faccio anche per lavoro, che mi dato la possibilità di visitare Paesi difficilmente accessibili. Ancora complimenti e Auguri. Vando
Grazie di cuore caro Vando, questi commenti ci riempiono il cuore
Un saluto affettuoso da Gianni a Voi 4, in particolare a Nora e al piccolo Jago!
Grazie mille Gianni, che piacere averti conosciuto sui meravigliosi sentieri Valdostani! A presto
You have just helped us with information about Saudi Visa’s ,so I visited your blog – it is really good and very interesting!
We are cruising with MSC soon, visiting Cairo, Luxor, Petra then Saudi (Jeddah and Yanbu). We desperately want to snorkle at Yanbu but the trip from the ship is very expensive. When you went to Yanbu, I think you made the Medinah trip, but we hope to snorkel somewhere. Thanks you
Hi dear Liz, we are very happy that we contributed to help you.. Saudi Arabia is such an interesting Country even if still far from the tourism worlds so even easy things, like the request of a Visa, might become complicated but Im glad you managed. As for a place to snorkel in Yanbu area, there are plenty, my suggestion is to contact a local Hotel and organize something through their excusrion bureau/office